Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Greetings everyone from the Land of H1N1..

i have contracted the dreaded disease!

HAHA ok just joking. i have a fever and have visited the doctor hence gaining a mask and some suspect H1N1 appeal (: is recuperating well at home (:


my mum has just returned from shanghai with lots of goodies for me!!

hee hee hee!

ok conservatively speaking i have gained:

1 vest
2 denim shorts
2 black shorts
2 belts
5 dresses
3 tshirts
4 camisoles/tops
6 new bags!!!

of cos with picture to prove it..

and a completely random HELLO KITTY laptop fan!! so cute!!
(for the uninitiated, my mum is a big Hello Kitty fan)

lotsa love, jing (:

3:53 AM

Sunday, June 7, 2009

hi everyoneeeeee.. i went for a NUS cip project!! 

its called Paint A Home.. 

i realised that young adults are really on for this kind of projects.. the response was so overwhelming, they had to turn away volunteers. 

hee but i learned alot from them.. i really wanna organise painting as a cg outing one day! i think it really builds bonding.. 
the whole row of them painting away
painted leg..
auntie bun
i painted in great fear that my hair will kena paint
and it did la, eventually.. hur now i have new highlights!
really hot, and sweaty..
cleaning up.. 
can you spy my growing toenail HAHA

haha it was really fun!! and the best part is.. its like 10 min away from my house! Pertapis Children's Home.. its actually a muslim home (:

but i really didnt get to paint all the pretty murals.. they did murals of butterflies, flowers, and castles.. hehe i forgot to take picture. i only did railings, but it was still very fun.. very meaningful (; we really clean up the place for them, and the home was quite big so all of us chipped in to make the place nicer for them (:

so that was my very exciting day! haha.

blog more pls, pple!!

love, jing.

8:02 AM

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hi all.

Today i'm feeling a little weary and restless.. There's this strange stirring in my heart that things are not okay and I'm just desperate to make things work.

Was just reading this today and it became my revelation, because yesterday I was praying and I just felt God tell me to wait on Him. And i became a bit anxious la cos like I needed answers then and there. Today i flipped open a book and the section was titled: Wait on the Lord!

Haha i was like OMG.. quickly went to read it. So here's just something I would like to share with u all! Hope u'll be blessed. :) From Joyce Meyer's Never Give UP! HERE GOES:

God compares His people to eagles (Isaiah 40:31). I believe God chose to liken us to eagles to motivate us to rise to our potential in life and to encourage us to wait on Him and find our strength in Him. When success does not come easily, when we find ourselves frustrated and weary in our efforts, we need to wait for the Lord. (OMG SO TRUE.)

What does it really mean to wait on the Lord? It simply means spending time with Him, being in His presence, meditating on His Word, worshipping Him, keeping Him at the centre of your life. One meaning of the word "wait" is to "be twisted or braided together". If we think about braiding someone's hair, we realise that the hair is actually woven together so that we can't really tell when one strand ends or begins. 

That is the way God wants us to be in our union with Him - so intimately intertwined and tightly woven together with Him that we are truly one with Him. As we wait on Him, we become more and more like Him. WAITING IS NOT PASSIVE; IT'S VERY ACTIVE SPIRITUALLY.

While we wait, we need to aggressively expect God to do great things in our lives.

Isaiah promises that when we wait on the Lord and spend time with Him, becoming more like He is, we will renew our strength. That little prefix "re"means to "go back again, to be made new, to go back to the beginning of something". We can approach a situation in which we have grown weary with fresh energy and passion.

One reason eagles symbolise strength is that they know how to make their strength work for them. They dont expend their energy needlessly. Just as these magnificent birds know how to allow the thermal currents of the physical world to carry them, "eagle Christians" understand the currents of the Holy Spirit. They perceive the moving of the Spirit and can flow through life easily, without strain, striving, and undue stress. This comes from waiting on God and enables them to go through life with strength, power and vitality.

Finally! hahaha leave comments pls. this is one of the rare blog entries ok. thanks.

8:15 AM

Sunday, May 24, 2009

say hi to a series of rather random photos (:

city hall - artsy walkway to esplanade
thought it would be fun
attracted lots of weird stares
something i thought was a cat
along thompson road
i teach tuition in a FOREST
joel's beautiful concert
at this really dodgy backalley of Little India
but a really quaint old shophouse-turned-home
his teacher's house
that had random things like viking helmet and triptika portrait

yes that is all for a eventful weekend.. love, jing (:

8:36 AM

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

from a really interesting magazine called Broader Perspectives - that aims to help JC students with GP... this is from The Gender Issue.

Submission (an extract)

"... Up to today, nuclear war still remains unprecedented. We can only pray that leaders and people will always continue to choose life over death. Yet, is it so inconceivable that someone should choose life over death? 

The extremists on both sides of the Arab-Israeli conflict seem to think so. Rather than compromise and settle for a two state resolution to their four-decade long war, both sides claim that their identity, their dignity, the dignity of their dead loved ones, the injustice of forgiving what they have lost...all that is more important than life itself. 

... Backing down from confrontation is embarrassing, is weak, is based on a fallacious underestimation of the enemy, is an overextension of grace, is....reasons abound and everything seems to matter. 

... For four decades, leaders have taken unconvinvincing steps for peace and much bolder steps towards catastrophe. A choice of death over life. So when countries are head to head, eyeball to eyeball, who should back down? Who should submit?

Interestingly enough, beyond nuclear bombs, it seems that there are other ways that we are eyeball to eyeball. People have been called to submit to their govenments, to submit to authority. Wives are often asked to submit to their parents. But look at our world now. Citizens are empowered by knowledge and choice. People are empowered by lobby groups and advocacy work. Wives are empowered by education and personal chequebooks. Kids are empowered by all of the above. 

Back at a time when people cannot even remember, people submitted because authority was indeed more powerful. But today, nobody is more powerful. We are eyeball to eyeball. Head to head. So who should submit? Or more importantly, why?

Submission, it seems, involves a lot more than just backing down. And submission is certainly not about being weak. Submission becomes more meaningul today than ever before simply because fewer and fewer people today actually need to submit. It is an act of grace, a deliberate act of humility which says that "I pefer to look stupid than to go on fighting." 

It is the wiser person who submits first, a commitment and sacrifice done with the hope that the other will reciprocate. And it is an even greater sacrifice to stay true to that commitment until the other party does. It is an act of love and investment in the relationship, whether it be to a spouse, a child, a police officer or a government. 

... Today as equals, we no longer need to submit to each other. But we do so because greater than 'being right' is love for our fellow man. "

it's a secular magazine. fantastic right! i have the hardcopy if anyone wants to borrow :D

love, jing.

8:46 AM

Monday, May 11, 2009

hihi i realised nobody ever sees the titles cos our blogskin doesnt allow it. anyway im so free now, maybe one day i'll find a new blogskin for us! haha.

so the title of my msg today is 'Jing on the Rebound'. everybody say wow! *wow*

HEHE. cos i am finally blogging again. PRIOR to this, i was suffering from some terrible disease known as blogger's procrastination. takes hardwork and discipline!

hi dinosaurs need to take MRT too.
some jokers decided it would be funny to leave the figurines there.
i saw with my own 2 eyes the guilty culprits!
singaporeans are STRANGE.
me trying in vain to fit into tengster's size 4 heels.
kids' shoes!!

yay everyone is loved by jing. (:

1:40 PM

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

hi buddies,

i posted something in my cg blog. hope it encorages you all...!! haha! =)

Great leaders arise in time of crisis. Every crisis is an opportunity to lead.


11:24 AM